Dplyr summarize sum if
Dplyr summarize sum if

Here we briefly address how its behavior changes when applied to grouped data.

#Dplyr summarize sum if how to#

See the dplyr section of the Descriptive tables page for a detailed description of how to produce summary tables with summarise(). # bmi, days_onset_hosp, and abbreviated variable names ¹​date_infection, ²​date_hospitalisation, ³​date_outcome, ⁴​age_unit, ⁵​age_years, ⁶​age_cat5, # … with 5,878 more rows, 10 more variables: ct_blood, fever, chills, cough, aches, vomit, temp, time_admission , # case_id generation date_infec…¹ date_onset date_hos…² date_out…³ outcome gender age age_u…⁴ age_y…⁵ age_cat age_c…⁶ hospi…⁷ lon lat infec…⁸ source wt_kg ht_cm # print to see which groups are active ll_by_outcome # A tibble: 5,888 × 30

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  • # gimmick option 5: the operation that I think you were trying to do. # option 4: same as option 3 but using base R syntax # pull is functionally equivalent to the base `[[` or `$` operators # option 3: return a numeric vector with 1 element containing the value # containing a copy of this value for all records. # option 2: enrich the ame object with an additional column # and one record containing that values summarize reduces the dimensions You have not specified what format you want your results in, so I will give you a couple options: # option 1: return a ame object with one column named sum_ncases You need are trying to perform sum() on a specific variable. The variables ("columns") of a ame object are vectors. With(esoph, algcp) # a base function that uses non standard evaluation Print(algcp) # does not work - algcp object does not exist!!! Outside the arguments to a dplyr verb, they usually can't be: # esoph %>% filter(alcgp="120+") is the same as Within the arguments to a dplyr verb, column names of the object being modified can be referenced directly as unquoted expressions. When working in a dplyr workflow you will most commonly call base R functions as part of the arguments you supply to these dplyr verbs, not directly. There is a variable in the ame that is named ncases, but sum() doesn't "know" about it. This error is correct - there is no object with the symbol ncases anywhere.

    dplyr summarize sum if

    Sadly, dplyr is commonly taught without explaining this extremely important distinction.īecause ncases is not the name of an object in the calling environment or one of its parents, you get the error "that it didn't find the ncases object". Most functions in R do not work that way.

    dplyr summarize sum if

    dplyr's "verb" functions like filter(), summarize(), select(), etc) use a special kind of non-standard evaluation where expressions can also be evaluated to the name of a variable on the first argument. ncases is the name of a variable, or "column", in the ame, but sum() does not "know" this, because it uses standard R evaluation and looks for objects that have that symbol. (the ame returned by the prior operation) and ncases (doesn't exist). You have supplied as arguments the expressions. Should missing values (including NaN) be removed?Įach argument to sum() must be a numeric, complex or logical vector.

    dplyr summarize sum if

    Sum of Vector Elements Description sum returns the sum of all the values present in its arguments. You can determine this by looking at the documentation for the function: ?sum The base::sum() function cannot be used on a ame() object directly. esoph %>% filter(alcgp="120+") returns a ame object. The pipe operator supplies the last evaluated value as the first argument to the subsequent function.

    Dplyr summarize sum if